Welsh Lib Dems call on Welsh Government to provide extra funding to authorities across Wales

TODAY (25th January 2024) the Welsh Liberal Democrats have called on the Welsh Government to provide extra funding to councils across Wales.

This follows the news that an extra £25 million in funding has been made available to the Welsh Government.

The Welsh Lib Dems have called for this extra funding to be given to local authorities, to protect public services from cuts as well as to boost schools.

Commenting, the leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds MS said:

“I welcome the news that Wales will be receiving an extra £25m in funding, something which could prove to be a desperately needed lifeline for our already struggling councils and schools.

The Welsh Government, to their credit, did protect funding for local authorities in their recent draft budget. But now is the perfect opportunity to not only extend this protection, but to also boost the funding being made available.

By channelling this extra funding directly to local authorities, we can ensure that our public services, which includes our schools, are not affected by any cost-saving cuts.

We are currently facing a severe funding crisis in our schools, and this extra funding could go a long way in solving this.

We recognise of course that this funding is still not enough to fully solve our current financial situation. But we must make the most of the opportunities given to us, especially with a Westminster Tory government who are intent on giving us the bare minimum.”


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