West Wales Friends of Palestine to hold vigil in Carmarthen

West Wales Friends of Plaestine will be hoding a vigil in Guildhall Square, Carmarthen on Saturday (Nov 18.

The event will take place between 2 to 3 pm.

The organisation said: “Our first hour long protest had an impressive turn out of local people who all want the same thing, peace. We managed to convey this message to other local people who were shopping and going about their day to day business in central Carmarthen.


“We feel it is important for us to call out the war crimes being perpetrated against Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Save the Children released a press release this week stating that one child every ten minutes is getting killed by the Israeli Defence Force’s bombing.

“We plan to be at Guildhall Square every Saturday at the same time until ceasefire is pushed for and happens.”


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