This week in the Senedd, Mid and West Wales MS Jane Dodds has called on the Welsh Government to help save the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth.
The centre, which raises the importance of sustainable energy in combating climate change, recently announced its closure to the public due to a lack of funding. Placing 14 jobs at the centre at risk.
Commenting, Jane Dodds MS said:
“I was saddened to hear of the news that the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynlleth has been closed to visitors due to a lack of funds, placing 14 jobs at risk.
For many people, the centre was an entry point that opened their eyes to what was possible and practical when it comes to sustainable energy.
At a time when we urgently need to transition to net zero, centres like CAT which inspire the next generation to think sustainability are vital in the fight against climate change.
It Is vital that the Welsh Government step in and extend a helping hand to the centre during this difficult time to prevent further job losses and potentially reopen the centre.”