“Bereaved families of Wales deserve an inquiry” says Jane Dodds MS

RESPONDING to an admission by UK Covid Inquiry Chair that not all
decisions made in Wales will be covered in the UK inquiry, Welsh Liberal
Democrat Leader Jane Dodds MS said:

“The Chair’s comments reflect what we all feared, that the UK Covid
inquiry won’t cover Welsh-specific decisions in enough detail.

“Decisions made in Wales, by our devolved Government were often
different and had an impact, be it negative or positive. The Welsh
Government made specific political capital out of this point multiple

“The bereaved families of Wales deserve an inquiry that pays full
attention to that decision-making in Cardiff Bay.

“My party strongly believes in devolution, if Welsh Labour also do
they need to understand that with increased powers comes increased
scrutiny. An inquiry is not about apportioning blame, but rather
learning vital lessons and ensuring we have a robust health system going

“The First Minister and Welsh Labour should urgently set up a
Wales-specific COVID inquiry. Baroness Hallet herself today indicated it
is not too late to do so. ”

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