Dyfed-Powys Police launches Licensing SAVI across its counties to improve safety for staff and customers

Dyfed-Powys Police demonstrate their commitment to improving safety and security in the night-time economy by launching a pioneering licensing initiative in bars, pubs, clubs, restaurants and hotels.

Officers from Dyfed-Powys Police are working alongside venues to launch Licensing Security & Vulnerability Initiative (Licensing SAVI), which was developed at the request of the Home Office by Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (Police CPI), a police-owned organisation which works alongside the Police Service around the UK to deter and reduce crime.

Castle Vaults, NewtownManager Declan Whitticase, Castle Vaults, Newtown

Supporting the hospitality industry, Licensing SAVI is backed by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) and Project Servator, a police-led vigilance scheme to deter terrorist attacks at crowded places. Its aim is to provide safer and more secure venues for managers, staff, customers and local communities and to reduce the demand on hard-pressed police forces and NHS Ambulance Services and Accident & Emergency Departments.

Available to licensees as an on-line self-assessment, Licensing SAVI covers critical issues like responsible drinking, drugs misuse, violent behaviour and safeguarding vulnerable customers through to preventing opportunist theft and improving physical security, such as lighting and CCTV systems. Most measures included in Licensing SAVI can be introduced quickly and at little or no cost.

Licensing SAVI provides consistent standards, guidance and advice that licensed premises in Wales and England need to meet the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003 and promote the four Licensing Objectives: Prevention of Public Nuisance; Prevention of Crime and Disorder; Protection of Children from Harm; and Public Safety. Licensing SAVI also includes a non-assessed guidance section on counter terrorism.

Licensees that complete the self-assessment will receive a Star-Rating and can apply for Licensing SAVI Accreditation and an award for display to show the efforts undertaken to enhance safety.

Managers at 23 SocialManagers Jocelyn McCormick, Cara and Beth, 23 Social, Newtown

The initiative is being supported by Home Office funding, secured by Dyfed-Powys Police Safer Communities Hub, giving premises the opportunity to join the scheme as part of the roll out. The fund is available to support projects that help reduce neighbourhood crime, make local areas safer and reduce demand on police forces.

Inspector Reuben Palin, from Dyfed-Powys Police’s Central Prevention Hub, said: “We’re pleased licenced premises from across the force area are working with us to ensure their pubs and clubs are a safe environment for people to enjoy a good night out.

“We would encourage anyone who hasn’t already signed up to get in touch so we can work together for better community safety.”

Mark Morgan, Business Manager for Licensing SAVI, commented: “I’m delighted that Dyfed-Powys Police, using Home Office funding, are supporting the use of Licensing SAVI in premises by enabling licensees to undertake an assessment of the processes and procedures they have in place to maximise safety and reduce vulnerability for both customers and staff. We’re confident that this contributes to raised standards, safer venues, and safer socialising, with the venues being able to display their award to recognise their efforts. It’s great to see that venues across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys have already received our accreditation and we look forward to more doing so in the near future, contributing to a safer Dyfed-Powys.”

Sarah Siddons, Brecon
The Sarah Siddons, Brecon, with their star rating

Covering a huge geographical area, Dyfed-Powys Police have funded venues across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire, and Powys. The following venues were the first in the region to take up the scheme, achieving accreditation and a star award to display to customers and the local community.


Old Cross Inn, Quay St, Ammanford SA18 3DB

Yr Hen Dderwen, 47–48 King Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1BH

Moira Williams, General Manager at the Old Cross Inn, said: “I took part in Licensing SAVI and found the process easy to complete. By completing this accreditation, it has made us more aware of extra safety and servility measures for our business and most importantly for our customers.

“We take the safety for our customers seriously and everyone should be able to enjoy and be assured that their safety while socialising comes first. Every public bar selling alcohol should complete this assessment and become accredited. It’s even given us some good insights into how to improve our business. I am so glad I completed this and am happy with my accreditation.”


Cambrian Hotel, Alexandra Rd, Aberystwyth, SY23 1LG

Harleys, 21 Eastgate, Aberystwyth SY23 2AR

Royal Pier, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth SY23 2AZ

Royal Pier Head of Operations, Lee Price, commented: “The Licensing SAVI self-assessment offered an invaluable opportunity to re-visit and health-check operations, assess the effectiveness of their intention, and add more meat to the bones of day-by-day control measures.

“It has provided a credible recommendation to display to the public, helping attract a more perceptive customer and offering a competitive consumer edge.”


Castle Hotel, Castle Square, Haverfordwest SA61 2AA

Eddie Rocks, 4 Quay St, Haverfordwest SA61 1BG

Imperial Hall, Hamilton Terrace, Milford Haven SA73 3JN

OUT Pembroke, 14 Main St, Pembroke SA71 4NP

The William Owen, 6 Quay St, Haverfordwest SA61 1BG

The William Owen (Haverfordwest) Pub Manager, Jon Blaney, said: “We are proud to have become accredited with Licensing SAVI. The pub takes its responsibilities seriously and works closely with the police to ensure the venue is run to a high standard at all times with staff and customer safety paramount.”


23 Social, 12-13 Broad Street, Newtown, SY16 2NA

The Buck Inn, 19 High St, Newtown SY16 2NP

Castle Vaults, 46 Broad St, Newtown SY16 2AU

The Pheasant Inn, 14 Market St, Newtown SY16 2PQ

Rorkes Drift Pub, 4 Wheat St, Brecon LD3 7DG

Sarah Siddons Inn, 47 High St, Brecon LD3 7AP

Chris Thompson, Manager of The Buck Inn and The Pheasant Inn, commented: “I found the [Licensing SAVI] process very easy and quick. It helps publicans highlight where improvements are needed to ensure our customers are as safe as possible. The Licensing Security & Vulnerability Initiative is a great idea. I highly recommend the scheme!”

Rose, The Buck Inn, Newtown
Staff at the Buck Inn receive their award

Contact: Licensing SAVI
Email: enquiries@licensingsavi.com
Web: https://licensingsavi.com/


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