Keeping dogs under control will protect lambs and other livestock

Dog owners are being reminded to keep their animals under control around sheep and other livestock.

With lambing season underway as well, Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths and Rural & Wildlife Crime Coordinator Rob Taylor have said it’s important dogs should be kept on a lead or under close control at all times and owners should be confident dogs will return on command.

Research has found most incidents involving dogs worrying or attacking sheep happens on land which is not accessible to the public.

The Countryside Code, published by Natural Resources Wales, provides clear guidance on the responsibility of dog owners to keep their dogs under effective control.

Rural Affairs Minister, Lesley Griffiths said: “We have seen the very sad and distressing images where dogs have attacked livestock.

“We know most people are doing the right thing in keeping control of their dogs, but we also recognise some are not.

“The emotional and financial costs for those who own or find dead and injured livestock, is simply unacceptable, as are the implications to animal welfare.

“Responsible dog ownership is key and by taking the required steps, lambs and other livestock will be safe.”

The Welsh Government’s Wales Rural & Wildlife Crime Coordinator, Rob Taylor said: “Sheep worrying and brutal livestock attacks by pet dogs are sadly a regular occurrence across Wales, which is wholly preventable with responsible dog ownership.

“Owners need to be aware that it is a dog’s natural instinct to chase or even attack livestock and at this time of year it is more harrowing when ewes are pregnant or with already born lambs.

“We ask owners to be aware of the risks and use common sense, by walking dogs where livestock are not present.

“It’s vital they understand that an attack on livestock, although unintended, may result in their pet being shot, or euthanised on a court order after a conviction and nobody wants that to happen.”

Cadw cŵn dan reolaeth i ddiogelu ŵyn ac anifeiliaid fferm

Mae perchenogion cŵn yn cael eu hatgoffa i gadw eu hanifeiliaid o dan reolaeth pan mae yna ddefaid ac anifeiliaid fferm o gwmpas.

Mae’r tymor ŵyna wedi dechrau ac mae’r Gweinidog Materion Gwledig Lesley Griffiths a’r Cydgysylltydd Troseddau Gwledig a Bywyd Gwyllt Rob Taylor yn dweud ei bod hi’n bwysig bod perchenogion yn cadw eu cŵn ar dennyn neu o dan reolaeth drwy’r amser a theimlo’n hyderus y daw eu cŵn yn ôl o alw arnynt.

Mae ymchwil yn dangos bod y rhan fwyaf o achosion o gŵn yn ymosod neu’n aflonyddu ar ddefaid yn digwydd ar dir nad yw’n agored i’r cyhoedd.

Mae’r Cod Cefn Gwlad, a gyhoeddir gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, yn rhoi gwybodaeth glir i berchenogion cŵn ynghylch cadw eu cŵn o dan reolaeth.

Dywedodd y Gweinidog Materion Gwledig, Lesley Griffiths: “Rydyn ni i gyd wedi gweld y lluniau trist a thorcalonnus o gŵn wedi ymosod ar anifeiliaid fferm.

“Mae’r rhan fwyaf o bobl yn gwneud y peth iawn ac yn cadw rheolaeth ar eu cŵn, ond rydyn ni’n gwybod hefyd nad yw pawb yn gwneud.

“Mae’r costau emosiynol ac ariannol i berchenogion y da byw sy’n cael eu hanafu neu eu lladd gan gŵn yn gwbl annerbyniol, fel ag y mae’r effeithiau ar les yr anifeiliaid eu hunain.

“Mae’n hanfodol bod yn berchennog cyfrifol ar gi a thrwy gymryd y camau angenrheidiol, bydd ŵyn ac anifeiliaid fferm eraill yn ddiogel.”

Dywedodd Cydgysylltydd Troseddau Gwledig a Bywyd Gwyllt Llywodraeth Cymru, Rob Taylor: “Gwaetha’r modd, rydyn ni’n aml yn gweld achosion ledled Cymru o gŵn anwes yn aflonyddu ac yn ymosod ar dda byw. Trwy fod yn berchennog cyfrifol ar eich ci, gallwch osgoi hyn.

“Mae angen i berchenogion ddeall mai greddf naturiol ci yw rhedeg ar ôl anifeiliaid fferm a hyd yn oed ymosod arnyn nhw. Mae effaith hynny’n fwy enbyd yr amser yma o’r flwyddyn pan mae defaid yn feichiog neu ag ŵyn bach.

“Rydyn ni’n gofyn i berchenogion fod yn ymwybodol o’r peryglon ac i ddefnyddio synnwyr cyffredin, trwy fynd â’u cŵn i ardaloedd lle nad oes anifeiliaid fferm.

“Mae’n bwysig iawn deall y gallai ymosodiad ar dda byw, er yn anfwriadol, arwain at saethu’r ci neu ei ladd trwy orchymyn llys. Does neb am i hynny ddigwydd.”

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