North Wales Police Support White Ribbon Day

This year, White Ribbon Day falls on the same week as the start of the Fifa Men’s World Cup, so there has never been a better time for people all over the country to come together and play as a team to help end violence against women and girls.

This year North Wales Police are supporting the campaign with a powerful message from the Force Football Club, who have created a short video featuring several players from the team who are a mix of police officers and staff, to raise awareness of White Ribbon Day and #TheGoal to end violence against women and girls.

Sergeant Dylan Thomas, Captain of the North Wales Police Football Team said: “With White Ribbon Day coinciding with the same week as the start of the World Cup, it was only right that we as a team got involved.

“Together we were keen to shine a light on this important issue, raising awareness to help end male violence against women and girls.”

North Wales Police Chief Constable Amanda Blakeman said: “I am proud to join colleagues to mark White Ribbon Day.

“Tackling violence against women and girls is a key priority for North Wales Police and we are committed to working in partnership to address these issues.

“We understand that although women are in the majority who are affected by these abhorrent crimes, they are not the only ones, so nobody should hesitate in seeking the help of the police or support agencies if they are affected.

“Wearing the white ribbon marks our commitment to improve both the outcomes for victims and reduce the number of victims. Policing does not stop after White Ribbon Day and we will continue with our work to tackle the perpetrators of violence against women and girls.”

Andy Dunbobbin, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales commented: “I am proud to show my support for White Ribbon Day and the campaign to engage men and boys in ending violence against women and girls. I believe all gender-based violence must end and that men and boys should play their part in calling out and stopping this behaviour.

I am also pleased to see the North Wales Police Football Club play their own part in supporting White Ribbon Day, especially given the World Cup also began this week. Just as Wales and the Red Wall will wear the red jersey and stand as one, I believe we can all wear the white ribbon and stand as one to prevent male violence against women and girls.”

If you, or someone you know needs help, please contact North Wales Police, or someone that you feel comfortable talking to, so that the Force can take action.

To report a non-emergency incident online go to Contact us | North Wales Police or phone 101. In an emergency, always dial 999.

You can find out more about White Ribbon Day and what you can do to support it here: White Ribbon Day 2022 — White Ribbon UK

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