South Wales to see 31 speed cameras come into force from 26th June

31 SPEED cameras are going live to improve road safety across South Wales.


GoSafe, the Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership, work with the Highways Authorities in Wales to enforce safety camera schemes. These schemes include fixed speed cameras, red light cameras, average speed cameras, in addition to mobile enforcement cameras.


South Wales Police host the Central Ticket Office who administer offences from these schemes across Mid & South Wales.


Due to the advent of digital technology and the demands upon IT departments to install several camera types, significant development and investment in systems was required. Additional resourcing was approved in the IT staff team to assist with the development work and to bring all these schemes online.


These additional resources mean that from Monday, 26th June, 31 cameras across South Wales will begin processing offences. These cameras include a mixture of speed cameras and ‘speed on green’ cameras at traffic lights. These multi-functional cameras have the ability to capture both red light and speeding offences.


Speed is a major contribution to collisions on our roads. These additional schemes will make our roads safer for everyone and improve the behaviour of the minority of drivers breaking the speed limit.

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