Welsh Ambulance Service colleagues praised for long service

THE Welsh Ambulance Service celebrated its long-serving staff and volunteers at an awards ceremony in South Wales yesterday.

Colleagues with 20, 30 and 40 years’ service were presented with medals at Newport’s International Convention Centre in the first of three events across Wales to recognise length of service.

Colleagues with 20 years in the Emergency Medical Service were also presented with a Long Service and Good Conduct Medal by the King’s representative in Gwent, the Lord-Lieutenant Brigadier Robert Aitken CBE.

The High Sheriff of Gwent, Prof Simon J Gibson, was also among the distinguished guests.

Chief Executive Jason Killens said: “The pressures upon the NHS over the last three years have tested our physical and emotional resilience like never before.

“When times are difficult, it’s easy to forget to say ‘thank you’ which is why it’s really important to take time at awards events to recognise colleagues for their fantastic work and in particular, their length of service.

“Long Service Awards are a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the very lifeblood of the Welsh Ambulance Service – its people.

“Working for the ambulance service is not just any job – it’s a job that makes a real difference.

“Often when people are at their lowest ebb, our staff are the people to whom they turn, and it takes remarkable people to do the remarkable job they do, day in, day out.

“It’s mindboggling to think that all the Long Service Awards we presented yesterday amount to more than 800 years of service.

“Today and every day, we thank colleagues for their service.”

Almost 200 colleagues across the Trust have been invited to receive a Long Service Award this year.

Chair Colin Dennis added: “The reason the Welsh Ambulance Service is what it is rests with its people who work tirelessly, 24/7, to serve the people of Wales.

“All our staff and volunteers – from clinicians to call handlers, finance to fleet, ICT to estates, research to risk management, and more – play a part in saving lives and I am extremely proud of their achievements.

“Congratulations to all of our recipients.”

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