Welsh Lib Dems back calls for Higher Pay Offer for Nurses

During a debate this evening in the Senedd, the Welsh Liberal Democrats backed calls for a higher pay offer for nurses.

The Party also reiterated its calls for an extension to the safe Nurse Staffing Levels Act that was introduced by Kirsty Williams and the Welsh Liberal Democrats.

Commenting Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds MS said:

“Because of the dire economic circumstances we find ourselves in – not least the Retail Price Index measure of inflation running at 11% – every single pay award offer the Welsh Government offer nurses below that level is a real terms pay cut.

“That’s why the Welsh Government should do everything in its power to deliver on a real pay rise for our nurses – to address the
recruitment and retention crisis in the Welsh NHS.

“We also have to remember it’s not just about pay, nurses are also leaving the profession because of working conditions. For that reason, I think the extension of the Nurse Staffing Levels Act, originally introduced by the Liberal Democrat’s Kirsty Williams is essential.

“Finally, as much as I welcome Plaid Cymru’s stance on this issue, I think it is important we don’t forget that Plaid Cymru has a
co-operation agreement with the Welsh Labour Government and in that co-operation agreement they have not spoken about healthcare once, despite it being the number one issue facing Wales.”

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