Consultation over extra day for teacher in-service training

THE Welsh Government has launched a consultation on an additional day for National Professional Learning In-service Training (INSET) 2022 to 2025.

Jeremy Miles, Minister for Education and Welsh Language said:

“Research and inspection evidence reveals the single most important influence on learner success within the education system is the quality of teaching and learning. It is therefore important to ensure that teachers are supported to consider how the curriculum and other education reforms will impact on learner outcomes.

Today I am launching the consultation on the proposal to provide an additional Professional Learning INSET Day for the next 3 academic years. The consultation sets out that the proposed additional INSET day would be specifically aimed at supporting the profession with changes aligned to the roll-out of the Curriculum for Wales and other national priorities, such as Additional Learning Needs (ALN) reform and equity in education.

The consultation will run until the 28 October 2022 and I would encourage all with an interest in the education sector, including practitioners, parents/carers and learners, to get involved and respond to the consultation.”

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