Thousands of Welsh farms to receive payments

More than 15,600 Welsh farms will receive a share of over £161m when Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) 2022 advance payments are made tomorrow (Friday 14 October), Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths has announced.

This means 97% of claimants will receive a BPS advance payment worth 70% of their estimated claim value.

This is the second year Rural Payments Wales (RPW) is making automatic BPS advance payments in October.

Before 2021, BPS payments commenced from 1 December annually.

Regulation changes made by the Minister following the end of the EU Exit Implementation Period simplified the requirements for BPS. This sees BPS advance payments made prior to December to eligible claimants. Reasons why a BPS advance payment may not be made include ongoing land dispute, breaches identified at inspection or outstanding probate matters.

Full and remaining balance BPS 2022 payments will be made from 15 December 2022, subject to full validation of the BPS claim.

It is expected all but the most complex BPS claims will be fully validated, and payments made before the end of the payment window on 30 June 2023.

Rural Affairs Minister, Lesley Griffiths said: “Following the simplification of BPS requirements, advance payments have been made prior to December which provides financial certainty to farm business during this extremely challenging time.

“In addition, here in Wales we have maintained the BPS budget at £238m, the same level as last year.

“Full and remaining balance BPS 2021 payments will be made from 15 December and my officials will again this year be working hard to make these payments to as many farmers as possible early in the payment window.”

Miloedd o ffermydd yng Nghymru’n cael eu talu

Bydd rhagor na 15,600 o ffermydd yng Nghymru yn cael cyfran o fwy na £161m pan fydd rhagdaliadau Cynllun Taliad Sylfaenol (BPS) 2022 yn cael eu talu fory (Gwener 14 Hydref), meddai’r Gweinidog Materion Gwledig Lesley Griffiths.

Mae hynny’n golygu y bydd 97% o hawlwyr yn cael rhagdaliad, 70% o werth bras eu hawliad BPS llawn.

Dyma’r ail flwyddyn o’r bron i Taliadau Gwledig Cymru (RPW) dalu rhagdaliadau BPS yn awtomatig ym mis Hydref.

Cyn 2021, fyddai’r BPS ddim yn dechrau cael ei dalu tan 1 Rhagfyr bob blwyddyn.

Yn sgil newid y rheoliadau gan y Gweinidog ar ôl diwedd Cyfnod Pontio Ymadael â’r UE, cafodd y gofynion ar gyfer BPS eu symleiddio gan ei gwneud yn bosib talu rhagdaliadau BPS i hawlwyr cymwys cyn mis Rhagfyr. Ond ceir nifer o resymau pam na fydd rhai hawlwyr yn cael rhagdaliad BPS, gan gynnwys anghydfod tir, gweld yn ystod archwiliad bod rheol wedi’i thorri neu broblemau â’r profiant.

Dechreuir talu gweddill BPS 2022 neu’r taliadau llawn o 15 Rhagfyr 2022 cyn belled â bod yr hawliad yn bodloni’r holl amodau.

Rydyn ni’n rhagweld y bydd modd dilysu’r holl hawliadau BPS heblaw am y rhai mwya cymhleth, a’u talu i gyd cyn diwedd y cyfnod talu ar 30 Mehefin 2023.

Dywedodd y Gweinidog Materion Gwledig, Lesley Griffiths: “Ers symleiddio rheolau’r BPS, rydym wedi cael talu’r rhagdaliadau cyn mis Rhagfyr. Mae hynny’n rhoi sicrwydd ariannol i fusnesau fferm mewn cyfnod aruthrol o anodd.

“Hefyd, yma yng Nghymru, rydym wedi cadw cyllideb y BPS i £238m, yr un faint â’r llynedd.

“Caiff y balans sydd heb ei dalu a thaliadau BPS llawn eu talu ar ôl 15 Rhagfyr a bydd fy swyddogion yn gweithio’n galed eleni eto i dalu cymaint o ffermwyr â phosibl yn fuan yn y cyfnod talu.”

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