Drop-in community event showcasing latest housing development plans in Tenby to be held next month

A drop-in community event showcasing the latest plans for the planned Brynhir housing development in Tenby is being held next month.

The event showcasing the latest plans will be held on Tuesday, October 3 between 3.30-7.30pm at the De Valence Pavilion, Upper Frog Street.

Representatives from the design consultants, the council’s Housing Development team and the wider housing teams will be on hand to answer any questions.

Offering a chance to share feedback and comment about the development, the event is also an opportunity for those who might have an interest in these homes or other social housing to collect an application form in order to join the housing register.

Back in July, national park planners heard less homes than originally planned will be built at the development, but nearly three-quarters will remain affordable.

In 2018, Pembrokeshire County Council, which already owned the 15-acre Brynhir site on the edge of the town, ‘bought’ the land for £4million using its Housing Revenue Account.

Campaigners fought a two-year battle against the use of the land for housing, calling for protection for ‘Tenby’s last green space’ and fearing it would become a ‘concrete jungle’.

The county council was granted outline planning permission by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority for the development of 144 properties – including up to 102 affordable residential units, eight shared ownership residential units and 34 open market shared units – in 2020.

It is now expected only 125 houses out of the proposed 144 will be built, with just under 90 being affordable.

In July, Pembrokeshire County Council Housing asked the national park to modify the Section 106 legal agreement ahead of an official updated application, relating to the number of affordable houses associated with the development.

The application was backed at the national park’s Development Management Committee, meeting on July 19.

It included a condition that the percentage of affordable housing does not drop below 71 per cent, with a similar clause for the shared ownership houses, at six per cent.

Amendments were also sought for the removal of a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA), one of two Local Equipped Area for Play Spaces (LEAPS) instead providing a multi-use space for ball games.

Members heard the MUGA would be replaced by a “generous-sized” LEAP.

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