Launch of new legal advisory scheme for leaseholders affected by fire safety issues

The Welsh Government has launched a new leaseholder legal advisory scheme to help support leaseholders in medium and high-rise buildings affected by fire safety issues in Wales.

From Friday, May 10 the scheme will offer free and bespoke legal advice to leaseholders to help resolve potential disputes.

Ensuring the safety of homes in Wales is a priority for the Welsh Government and Julie James, Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning recently announced a route to address fire safety issues for every all residential building over 11 metres.

Leaseholders, or responsible persons on behalf of leaseholders, can access the scheme through the Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE).

An advisor will review the situation, assess if legal support is appropriate and then advise on how to proceed.

Where appropriate, LEASE will then act as a referral service to a dedicated legal services provider whose initial advice will be paid for by the Welsh Government.

The Cabinet Secretary said: “We have listened to leaseholder concerns about building safety and the complexities of the legal system surrounding it and we are committed to addressing the barriers that prevent works being undertaken.

“Today, we have delivered on our promise to procure specialist independent legal advisors who can help steer leaseholders and others through any legal difficulties.

“I have always made it clear that I do not expect leaseholders to bear the cost of repairing fire safety issues that are not of their own making, and that I expect developers to step up to their responsibilities.”


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