Decommissioning of closed Barclays Bank in Cardigan backed by planners

An application to decommission Cardigan’s Barclays bank, which closed earlier this year, has been backed by Ceredigion planners.

In January, it was announced that the Cardigan branch of Barclays on High Street was to close in April, and Lloyds Bank, which occupies an imposing building on the town’s High Street, has announced its own June closure plans.

In an application submitted to Ceredigion planners, Barclays Bank plc, through agent ISG Ltd, sought permission for works at the former branch at 32 High Street.

A supporting statement says: “The building is not listed but is situated within a Conservation Area. The proposed work in this three-storey property is for removal of existing external signage and branding; removal of existing night safe only face plate and existing aperture to be infilled with stonework to match existing; removal of external ATM. Existing window sill to be repaired to match existing and existing window to be re-instated to match existing; existing letter box to be sealed internally; removal of the existing external CCTV camera; and removal of existing ADT alarm box.

“The original building fabric will not be altered, removed or concealed. All existing original features will not be affected by the proposed works. The proposed works are intended to return the building to pre-Barclays occupation as much as it is possible.”

The application was conditionally approved.


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