Dear Editor, While there are 20 mile per hour speed controls in Dafen and Prince Phillip hospital area. What about the rest of the streets?
I live in Greenway Street. There is a 20 mph and weight restriction on Coleshill Terrace leading onto my street. However this does not mean a thing.
Traffic such as car transporters use the road and cars speed down as fast as 50mph. You don’t believe me. Well go and stand by the Pentip School area for 10 minutes and just see it for yourself.
The road is slowly breaking up and the house literally shakes on occasions. Workers at the end of the day in a hurry to get home are some of the culprits.
It’s a quick way to bypass the zebra crossings and traffic lights to go all the way round so “let’s go quickly down here”.
There is an accident waiting to happen at the crossing point coming out of the complex as its blind when you exit this area. Council / Police you have been told before so act now please.
Yours Sincerely
Paul Stone
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