South Wales Police welcomes two new Assistant Chief Constables

South Wales Police have announced the appointment of two new two new Assistant Chief Constables, Jo Maal and Wendy Gunney.

In a statement South Wales Police said: Jo and Wendy joined our Chief Officer team this week, replacing ACC Jenny Gilmer and ACC Andy Valentine respectively.

Jo is our new Head of Territorial Policing, leading the teams which provide response, neighbourhood and investigative services across our communities.

Wendy takes on the role of all-Wales Assistant Chief Constable, with responsibility for Counter Terrorism Police Wales, the Tarian Southern Wales Regional Organised Crime Unit, and the Police Collaboration Wales programme.

Both are very familiar to us here in #TeamSWP, with Jo having previously served as Head of Communities, Partnerships and Cohesion, and Wendy as commander for the Cardiff and Vale basic command unit (BCU).

We also want to send our best wishes to ACC Gilmer – who is joining the National Police Chiefs’ Council on secondment – and ACC Valentine, who is moving to the Metropolitan Police.

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