South Wales Police renews appeal for information 21 years on from disappearance of Robert Williams

SATURDAY 9th September, 2023, would have been Robert Williams’ 37th birthday and South Wales Police is renewing our appeal for information.

Robert was aged 15 when he went missing from his home in Resolven, Neath, on 22nd March, 2002. Despite extensive enquiries and numerous appeals for information over the past 21 years, officers have been unable to find him.

Detective Inspector Dai Butt said:

“All outstanding missing person cases remain open and are revisited periodically in case new evidence comes to light. We remain committed to finding out what happened to Robert.

“I believe that the local community of Aberdulais holds key information that might help us understand what happened to him.

“It is known that Robert attended a house party in Tair Felin, Aberdulais on Saturday 23rd March 2002 where other local people were present.

“If you were at the party or have any information regarding Robert’s movements or disappearance, we would really like to speak to you. It may seem challenging to recall details from 21 years ago, but no matter how small or insignificant you think the information you hold is, it could prove vital to our investigation and could help provide Robert’s family with much needed closure.

“All this time without answers has been agony for them – please if you hold information, it is not too late after all this time to come forward.”

Robert’s Mum Cheryl expanded:

“I know that Robert is never coming home. I just want his body back so I can bury him. He deserves that. I don’t want him out there on his own and we need closure as a family.

“Someone out there knows what happened to him. As a mother knowing my child is lying somewhere has destroyed me emotionally and physically. I need to know what happened to him.”

Anyone with information can contact South Wales Police by one of the below means quoting occurrence number 2300271756.

Visit and scroll drown to the South Wales Police crest or copy this link –

🗪 Live Chat
📧 Email
📞 101

*Always call 999 in an emergency.*

To give information anonymously please contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via this link

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