Dathlu Wythnos Gwaith Ieuenctid 2023

Mae Wythnos Gwaith Ieuenctid yng Nghymru yn cael ei gynnal rhwng 23 a 30 Mehefin 2023. Mae’n gyfle i arddangos a dathlu effaith ac amrywiaeth Gwaith Ieuenctid ledled Cymru.


Beth yw Gwaith Ieuenctid?

Prif ddiben gwaith ieuenctid yw “galluogi pobl ifanc i ddatblygu’n gyfannol, gan weithio gyda nhw i hwyluso eu datblygiad personol, cymdeithasol ac addysgol, er mwyn eu galluogi i ddatblygu eu llais, eu dylanwad a’u lle mewn cymdeithas a gwireddu eu llawn potensial” (Safonau Galwedigaethol Cenedlaethol Gwaith Ieuenctid).


Dywedodd Gethin Jones, Rheolwr Corfforaethol y Gwasanaeth Cymorth ac Atal, sy’n darparu Gwaith Ieuenctid i Gyngor Sir Ceredigion: “Yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, rydym wedi parhau i gryfhau ein cefnogaeth a’n cynnig o weithgareddau i bobl ifanc yng Ngheredigion. Rydym wedi gweld cynnydd yn ein cyfranogiad ac aelodaeth gyda’n clybiau ieuenctid, gweithgareddau penwythnos a gwyliau, ac rydym yn parhau i gefnogi tua 300 o bobl ifanc bob wythnos yn ein hysgolion uwchradd a 70 o bobl ifanc dros 16 oed yn ein cymunedau. Rydym hefyd wedi parhau i gefnogi sefydliadau cymunedol a gwirfoddol gyda mynediad i hyfforddiant Gwaith Ieuenctid, tra’n gweithio ar y cyd i ddarparu mwy o gyfleoedd ar draws y sir. Mae Wythnos Gwaith Ieuenctid bob amser yn bwysig iawn i ni arddangos y gwaith rhagorol sy’n cael ei gyflwyno ond hefyd i ddathlu cyflawniadau a llwyddiannau pobl ifanc.”


Eleni, mae Ceredigion wedi trefnu cystadleuaeth ffotograffiaeth i bobl ifanc, cyfres o weithgareddau yn ystod amser egwyl yn Ysgolion Uwchradd Ceredigion gan gynnwys gweithgareddau blasu’r ddarpariaeth symudol ‘Y Fan’, nifer o ddigwyddiadau ym mhob un o’r canolfannau ieuenctid yn ymgysylltu â’r gymuned leol, gan gynnwys dathliad pen-blwydd yn 30 oed yng Nghlwb Ieuenctid Aberteifi.


Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Alun Williams Dirprwy Arweinydd ac Aelod Cabinet ar gyfer Llesiant Gydol Oes: “Rwy’n falch iawn o gefnogi Wythnos Gwaith Ieuenctid eto eleni, gan amlygu pwysigrwydd cefnogi ein pobl ifanc a sicrhau bod eu lleisiau’n cael eu clywed a bod eu positifrwydd a’u creadigrwydd yn cael ei ddal. Mae pobl ifanc mor bwysig i wead cymdeithasol ein cymunedau ac edrychaf ymlaen at weld a chlywed y straeon amrywiol yn ystod Wythnos Gwaith Ieuenctid.”


Am fwy o wybodaeth a sut i gymryd rhan, cysylltwch â porthcymorthcynnar@ceredigion.gov.uk neu dilynwch ni ar Facebook, Instagram a Twitter drwy chwilio GICeredigionYS.


Am esboniad cynhwysfawr o hanfodion Gwaith Ieuenctid, lawr lwythwch llyfryn Egwyddorion a Dibenion Gwaith Ieuenctid: www.cwvys.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/YOUTH-WORK-IN-WALES-2022-CYMRAEG.pdf


Celebrating Youth Work Week 2023


Youth Work Week in Wales will take place between 23 and 30 June 2023. It is an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the impact and diversity of Youth Work across Wales.


What is Youth Work?

The key purpose of youth work is to “enable young people to develop holistically, working with them to facilitate their personal, social and educational development, to enable them to develop their voice, influence and place in society and to reach their full potential” (Youth Work National Occupational Standards).


Gethin Jones, Corporate Manager of the Support and Prevention Service, which delivers Youth Work for Ceredigion County Council, said: “During the past year, we have continued to strengthen our support and activity offer for young people in Ceredigion. We have seen an increase in our participation and membership with our youth clubs, weekend and holiday activities, and we continue to support around 300 young people every week in our secondary schools and a further 70 young people over the age of 16 in our communities. We have also continued to support community and voluntary organisations with access to Youth Work training, whilst working collaboratively to provide more opportunities across the county. Youth Work Week is always really important for us to showcase the excellent work being delivered but also to celebrate the achievements and successes of young people.”


This year, Ceredigion has arranged a young people’s photography competition, a series of activities during break time at Ceredigion Secondary Schools including taster activities of the mobile provision ‘Y Fan’, several events at each of the youth centres engaging with the local community, including a 30 year anniversary celebration at Cardigan Youth Club.

Councillor Alun Williams, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Through Age Wellbeing, said: “I’m very pleased to support Youth Work Week again this year, highlighting the importance of supporting our young people and ensuring their voices are heard and their positivity and creativity is captured. Young people are so important for the social fabric of our communities and I look forward to seeing and hearing the various stories during Youth Work Week.”


For more information and how to get involved, contact porthcymorthcynnar@ceredigion.gov.uk or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter by searching GICeredigionYS.

For a more comprehensive explanation of Youth Work, download the Principles and Purposes of Youth Work booklet: www.cwvys.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/YOUTH-WORK-IN-WALES-PRINCIPLES-AND-PURPOSES.pdf


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